We are Looking Up - A golden opportunity

My dear friends and family

We are being reminded of the personal priorities of our lives. We have become ever present to the precious gift of life and our own personal freedom to choose our most thoughtful response – even as bombardment of threats and destabilization reaches us from so many forms of social media.

I have noted wonderful things as I have walked through various environments. There is much optimism and beauty to behold. The first thing I noticed is that we have begun to look up.

I have seen families walk away from their screens and sit together on the beach - to look into each other's eyes and play with one another.

I have even seen graffiti change upon my walks. Instead of anger, I read the message "Remember you are loved".

When we open our eyes and realize that this is a time of global "rebooting" we realize that our “war” as baby-boomers is a war with our own Ego-thoughts. How have we practiced the management and disciplining of "how we think" up until now? A Practice – means constant adherence to checking into ourselves. Our thoughtful responses can and will contribute to the measurement of the vibrational frequency upon this emerging New Earth.

Don't get me wrong, I have endured nights of fearfulness as well. I have woken up with "end-of-the-world" dreams. I have also pondered the financial ruin which I may experience during this time of fear.

But I am no longer afraid, for this condition has given us a golden opportunity to unite and assist one another in simple yet grand ways. We are swiftly moving into the New Earth and it will not be stopped. Gaia has begun her labor pains and will birth the New Earth in her own powerful and relevant way. She is like a mirror - who shows us the shadow-work that each of us must grapple with and eventually integrate. And none of this is personal. She does not "pick" who will live and who will die. We all value life and have choice! That has become distinct.

The opportunity in front of us is now clear and vibrant. How are we using our free agency to think and respond? Are we ready to move from being consumer gluttons, to instead living simply and consciously while uplifting one another?

The irony that exists in all this media bombardment is that we continue to have the things we need - perhaps not all of what we may want - but NEED. We have clean water, and food and sunshine. We have technology which continues to keep us in contact with all others. So many "other wars" did not have such innovation. We are truly blessed.

And of those who cross over... well dying is but the sweetest of things, really. Birth is so much harsher than death. Our exit times are chosen by our Higher Selves. 

Many have not spent their lives really understanding this- learning to live truly and authentically. Death is not failure at all. Death is relief and an entrance into our own examination, understanding and awakening of how we lived our life.

I believe that our presence is needed here. I believe that part of our work is to ground light and optimism. To be a beacon where others have (perhaps temporarily) lost sight of their own light. We will remind them and work along side them until they can hold up their own beacon for others.

We will be a reminder of other’s vast worth and potential. The world needs us to step into our power and be strong and animated influencers. Be reminded that it is never the “higher frequency” which pervades. It is the “strongest frequency” which will tip the scales towards our united future.

I invite all of us to continually connect with our unseen Guides, family members, Angels and Higher selves. We are richly loved by concerned counterparts of our spirit team. Write to them in your journals. Walk within Gaia’s beauty and observe the small beautiful gestures that are occurring right in front of us, as we choose to look up, and engage with living.

Blessings to you all.

You are always in my thoughts,

Love Laura
