Further to Looking up – Be both Inspiring and Inspired
My Dear Friends and Family
Some of my work is spent answering a crisis line. I notice during this time of isolation, that those living alone are searching for a lifeline. When I answer and listen, I become aware of so much.
Firstly, they are relieved to have a human being on the other end of the phone. A real person to listen to them. I spend time grounding them with my voice and words once I gain a clear understanding of their emotional issues. Often, they are in the pain of their core experience of Abandonment.
They feel alone, and there is no one around them. No one to touch their face, stroke their hair or assure them in this time of isolation.
Many of us recognize the term “Volunteer”. Amidst this time of change and uncertainty each of us have offered to be “a noticer” of the current conditions. We are of sorts a most sacred witness and continual observer of the level of human consciousness that prevails - even like our elder brother Jesus did when he dwelt upon the Earth.
How sad he must have felt as he walked amidst such arrogance and disrepair. Amidst politics which were blind to what people really needed to evolve. We are each splinters of the Christ-Consciousness who have accepted to come to Earth within circumstances wrought with disappointment and despair. Therefore - it is not your fault if you feel alone or disregarded at this time. We are all in great learning and adjustment.
Christ also felt overlooked when he knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane. He too felt abandoned by the ones who usually stood by his side. His close companions were no-where to be found while he lived-out his own core human experience of abandonment. In a sense, he was in his own self-isolation.
Christ also felt overlooked when he knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane. He too felt abandoned by the ones who usually stood by his side. His close companions were no-where to be found while he lived-out his own core human experience of abandonment. In a sense, he was in his own self-isolation.
Yet, he did not push away his feelings, but rather “leaned into them”. He understood that it was necessary for him to experience fully, every event. And like our loving master, we too must volunteer to touch the face of anguish and despair within our journey as a human.
What a cruel state Abandonment is for any of us. It is the first shock after being "spilt" into physical form during our barbaric birth. We come from wholeness and enter separateness, which generates doubt and fear within us. Yet we do it willingly and without the retention of where we came from. Without the memory of our sacred origin, of the amazing gifts we hold nor the recollection of our incomparable magnificence.
We feel lost
without the memory of our sacred origin, of the amazing gifts we hold
or the recollection of our incomparable magnificence.
To be clear, dear soul of light - the state of Abandonment that humans endure is when we temporarily forget who we are, and that we came from Wholeness and Love. And while in the temporary state of Abandonment, we can feel like we are also in madness. Because for a short time, we believe that we are enduring things all alone, when really - we are not.
Yesterday I had to end a crisis-call with a woman after spending more than 30 minutes with her. She did not want me to go. Yet I had two other crisis calls awaiting my attention. Her last words were "I still want to kill myself... what do I do?"
And with a heavy heart, I asked her to please call me in two more hours.
My Human part spouted thoughts venomously - "SEE? - you are NOT enough!" And I did not have the inkling to give that human part, some assurance. I felt instead, disappointed in myself.
Even so, my higher role was to allow others to help me – to help her. To have faith that I would find another qualified counselor who would carry on with her. To pull her out of her quicksand of despair.
We are not meant to carry such a load alone. It is required that we all serve mankind at the level of where we stand. It is imperative to both our soul-evolution and the survival of mankind.
Looking back upon this era, we will view this lifetime as challenging, Yes! And even more, we will know that we chose to be challenged because of our potential.
You, my dear friends and family are made of the fabric of inter-dimensional magic. Magic is the higher science that most of us know-not-of. Yet you who are reading this, know that you have come forth with gifts that heal others, from the very place that you stand.
When you find your gift, you will then focus your attention and high-minded intention towards those beings who are suffering in Abandonment.
I watch with amazement those who step out with creativity and use their innateness to assist others. Wherever we stand, we have this opportunity.
My mother, in her 86th year is frail. Yet each day she bundles up warmly and walks along the roadway in front of her dwelling in order to bring smiles and words-of-cheer to others. She is an amazing Angel on Earth.
My stepsisters posted a picture of how they recently visited our parents (outside their window) because their mother has been in isolation with my father for several weeks. I marvel at their abiding support of our parents who are so far from me presently.
And my best friend lost not one, but two parents within one week because of Covid-19. She remains an inspiring force for others through her words of encouragement. Imploring others to follow the protocol of self-isolation and self-quarantine – all the while mourning the deaths of parents during a time when no one may gather to celebrate the lives of her loved ones.
I invite you to look around and take notice of how you can be both “Inspired and Inspiring”. What ever your experience is – fully experience the depth of both the shadow and the light. Use your creativity to hold a lifeline for another who may be in fear and has not yet found their own remembrance.
May you all be surrounded by my intention of wellbeing and hope. May each of you become clear as to the gifts that you personally hold. And may you step forward with those gifts to be that saving grace for someone nearby.
Be the smile. Be the one who brings humor. Be the one who soothes others by holding their gaze and simply listening. Be willing to runs errands or walks someone’s dog.
We are – each of us- a piece of the emerging divine puzzle which builds our future. It will, at some time, be a better life than we could ever imagine.
Hold this thought as your very own as you place one foot in front of the other every moment or hour or day. You are richly loved by many seen and unseen beings,
And also, by me,
Your sister in love,