1. Don’t hold back – Say what’s on your mind.
If in the past you have been one who let’s things go without mentioning it because you don’t want to cause trouble, drop that habit immediately. Just say it. If you don’t, it will come out messy which will require you to clean up messes all the time.
2. People eat food – not flowers
People are dying from Covid-19. Families and individuals are being sorely affected. Instead of sending flowers of condolence, make meals or arrange for food to be dropped off. There is nothing worse than a house full of flowers, and a group of hungry people that have nothing to eat. No one wants to cook when they are grieving.
3. It’s not if or when – We are ALL grieving NOW.
We have lost the way that life once was. We will never have life settle back to be the same way again. We all view this differently, and grief is inevitable.
4. Grieving is complicated. Which phase are you in today?
Denial: It will be over soon – Let’s book a vacation, or plan a Dance Festival
Stunned: So what does “all this” this mean for ME?
Bargaining: Dear God, please save my aging parents and I promise to be a better person
Anger: Why is everyone off work, walking in the sunshine and getting paid, while I still must go to work?
Sadness: I saw three fights break out while standing in the line-up to go grocery shopping.
Acceptance: I no longer sleep at night, so I might as well make food and watch Netflix.
PS: Just because you find yourself in Acceptance, does not mean you have escaped experiencing every phase all over again, and never in the same order BTW.
5. Our bodies are talking to us.
Our bodies are all over the place with headaches, digestive issues, weight-gain/loss, body aches and back troubles. We are experiencing changes in food preferences and the times we need to eat. We are craving the sunshine and fresh air so even bundle up to brave the winds in order to be outside in nature. We are moving more and sleeping more. Our bodies are adjusting to what is happening around us. Pay attention and stay away from the liquor stores. Alcohol can take away the pain for awhile, but it also takes away your ability to really notice what our bodies are telling us.
6. Notice what scares you the most. It may be a sign of your Purpose-on-Earth.
There are new inventions happening everywhere. Creativity comes from focus. If you find yourself focused on something that scares you, it may be an indicator that you will be part of the solution process. I listened to someone confide “I’m afraid of being alone when I die”. By the end of our conversation, she was passionately speaking about bringing changes the existing system around long-term-care of the aging.
7. Self-forgiveness is now a key practice.
We have never been here before. We are making mistakes and having meltdowns all over the place. We are pushing at our partners, colleagues, managers and work environments. As we build a new world, even if our intentions are well founded, we will make mistakes because we cannot see everything from our limited view. Get to “self-forgiveness” as soon as possible and get on with it! Don’t forget to apologize to others within those first step towards self-forgiveness.
8. Like an Eagle, we can sit on our perch
The Eagle is a symbol of wisdom because of the vast perspective they easily take in from upon their perch. Become the observer of movements small and large and suspend ego-judgment. Things are as they are for a reason and we need not know those reasons presently. Have faith instead that you will know when to fly, when to strike, and when to restfully be still. All are required in their due time and we need not know except within that moment we are told by the whispering of our intuition.
You will know when to fly, when to strike, and when to restfully be still. All are required in their due time and we need not know except within that moment we are told by the whispering of our intuition
9. Notice we are Readers of Energy
As we hone our observer skills, and interact less with words, we have less need to babble. Instead we quietly read what others are experiencing and have an opportunity to choose a response of wisdom. It may mean several things. We get an idea of how to assist, or know it is time to leave, or we allow them to pass without making judgments. What ever thoughts you note within are indicators of your own mirror work.
10. We are where we need to be
There is nothing random about where you find yourself today in this Covid-19 chaos. Many spread-out families were quietly called to return to their nucleus – where other family members resided. With travel being shut down, notice the family which surrounds you and become both supported and a support within your family and community. This gives us the opportunity to balance out Giving and Receiving and additionally to balance karma from our past. Consider this a gift from Covid-19.
I am one of the many who commit my time to ushering humans through the darkness of chaos to bring them once again into the light of peace and calm. Feel free to learn more about me. Practice “reading my energy” and if we align, I would be happy to be of assistance to you. Warm thoughts, Laura Luz
I do client sessions by phone, Zoom and Face-to-face (social distancing). If you are interested in contacting me, click below