
Body Psychotherapy

Body Psychotherapy


Body Psychotherapy is a non-invasive modality that is rich with nourishing and transformative results. The client wears comfortable lose fitting clothes and lies on the massage table with a blanket covering them. Soft music relaxes the mind, while the practitioner gently picks up and holds, moves and maneuvers the limbs of the body skillfully so as to begin a sacred dialogue with that part of the body. The practitioner assist to move old wounded energy out of the body, while infusing the body part with fresh, clean, intelligent loving energy. A trust is required between the Practitioner and client which can allow many things to happen.

  1. It brings the client’s fragmented energy more fully into their body, so that a re-connection happens between the client’s mind, body and spirit. They once again begin to receive their own intuitive answers in a more clear and precise manner.

  2. Within the Alpha/Theta Brain States, the client is able to receive thoughts, messages and images from those parts of the body that have within them areas that require healing. The wounding may have happened as a child, or without their conscious knowing. There is a cooperation between client and practitioner that develops trust, and where-in the Practitioner can speak to and assist to heal the areas of the body that are revealing themselves as ready to be healed.

  3. It is a Balancing Process for the body’s energy centre. The Practitioner does a check-in with each chakra (or power center within the energy system) using a pendulum. This will identify imbalances that are present in the client’s life. Once the session of Body Psychotherapy is complete, the client walks out feeling more grounded, more mindful and more their best self. This feeling remains in place for as long as the client is able to self-manage the stresses of their environment.

  4. Children who are sick and the Elderly who are frail find marvelous results from Body Psychotherapy. This is because they have little or no energy to resist the process. They simply enjoy the process with no expectation.

  5. Adults who feel lost, confused, depressed or “in a rut” are also perfect candidates for this process, as it is a resting modality where the client easily moves into the Alpha and Theta Brain states, to further recognize and allow new and positive programming for their sub-conscious minds to implement.

Body Psychotherapy is based on the principle that human beings are fields of energy that are in constant interaction with our surroundings and other people. In our case, my goal is to purposefully use the energetic interaction between us to restore harmony your energy system.

